I have a sandbox account and a test merchant with some test data.
I want to create a web-app so I followed the instructions here:
I found it unintuitive that there is a save button I cant click at the bottom of the screen, but it appears to autosave. I cannot publish the application since its a sandbox account (and its a test app so I really don't want it published anyway).
Problem 1. I understand that I need to install this application on my test merchant but it does not show up there.
Problem 2. I click the 'Example Oauth Request' link and it brings me to a screen and asks me to select my merchant. So I do. This then leads me to a Not Found error. The Java Script shows a 404 trying to hit this URL.
Request URL:https://sandbox.dev.clover.com/v3/merchants/2K6HZZZVFYAAA/apps/MMMME669PZZZ?expand=androidVersion%2CdeviceTypes%2CavailableMetereds%2CavailableSubscriptions%2CcurrentSubscription%2Cmodules%2Cscreenshots&_=1457752111111
I have obfuscated those IDs just since I am not sure off the top of my head what they are. But I also have no clue what all of that about Android is. This is supposed to just be a web application.