
gbober avatar image
gbober asked ahmad11 answered

Utilizing the Same Permalink for Different WordPress Objects with add_rewrite_rule

I'm stumbled upon a fascinating challenge regarding permalinks during WordPress development of my client. Specifically, I'm exploring the concept of using the same permalink structure for different WordPress objects using the add_rewrite_rule function.

I've been researching extensively on how to achieve this functionality, but I'm still grappling with some aspects. Can someone shed light on how to effectively implement add_rewrite_rule to assign the same permalink for different types of WordPress objects, such as posts, pages, or custom post types?

Furthermore, I'm curious about the potential implications and best practices associated with this approach. Are there any performance considerations or SEO implications to keep in mind? How does this impact the overall architecture and usability of a WordPress site?

I'd appreciate any insights, experiences, or pointers to reliable resources that could help me navigate this topic effectively.

Thank you in advance for your assistance!

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1 Answer

ahmad11 avatar image
ahmad11 answered ahmad11 edited

The challenge of using the same permalink structure for different types of WordPress objects, such as posts, pages, or custom post types, can be effectively addressed using the add_rewrite_rule function. For a comprehensive understanding of how to implement this functionality, including implications, best practices, SEO considerations, and impact on site architecture, I recommend reading this detailed article. It provides in-depth insights and practical example to help you navigate this topic successfully.

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