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colinkho asked

Printing Chinese on Star SP700


I apologize in advance if this is the wrong forum to be asking this question. I have tried to contact customer service through Clover but have not been able to resolve the issue as I believe this is a technical problem that requires a little bit more technical expertise. Given that its mostly developers here, I hope I can get more insight into this issue.

Basically, I have been trying to get simplified chinese to print properly on my Star SP700 printer from Clover. I have these chinese characters in my inventory and they print fine on the Clover supplied receipt printer. After a little bit more digging, I realize that my SP700 is utilizing a character encoding set of GB18030 and I suspect Clover is sending these bytes to the printer as Unicode (UTF-8). I cross verified it with this function I wrote in python here:


# prints 鑺掓灉
print(mango.encode('utf-8').decode('GB18030', 'replace'))
It has been consistent with what my printer has been printing. Unfortunately, I cannot reverse engineer this as the encoding just does not work that way.

Given that SP700 is a supported printer by Clover, I was wondering if there's any functionality I have missed that allows me to set the character set sent to the printer.

Thank you
Colin K

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