
wdfinch avatar image
wdfinch asked Lee Tickett answered

Process payment for merchant using rest api

I am building an online order system that will create an order for a merchant from their website. I am having some confusion about processing the payment.

In the payment solutions guide, it says that you must use OAuth and therefore create a Clover App in order to process a payment. However, I don't want to create a public clover app that other merchants can install. I only want a private app for the one merchant's website.

I have been looking through the api docs and I am not sure what method to use. It seems that "Create an authorization on a Payment" under the payments methods is the most likely, but I'm not sure if this actually processes the card.

I can create a payment for the order using the "Create a payment record on an order" method, but this doesn't seem to process a card, but simply show the order as paid.

Can someone please let me know what I should do to process a payment with just a merchant api token?
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Lauren Worthington avatar image
Lauren Worthington answered wdfinch commented
Hi @wdfinch,
Clover App Market is a public App Market only, we do not support nor will we approve private apps. If you would like to build a Clover app, please make it accessible to all merchants.
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wdfinch avatar image wdfinch commented ·

@Lauren Worthington

So essentially I have no options to do any type of custom work for a merchant? My merchant has specific business needs and requirements. We've looked at the public ordering apps and they don't fit their requirements. It seems unreasonable that I can't provide specific integrations to my merchant based on their needs. Can you please provide some more information on what my options are here?

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Lauren Worthington avatar image Lauren Worthington ♦ wdfinch commented ·

If you give me some examples of specific business needs / functionality your app needs (just so I have a bit more context), I'd be happy to try to offer some suggestions!

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wdfinch avatar image wdfinch Lauren Worthington ♦ commented ·

@Lauren Worthington

So as far as the logic of creating an order and paying for it we could use something on the market. The main issue is the UI of the apps on the market. We want the ordering system to fit with our website design and branding so it feels like a very native and connected experience to the user. We don't want the user to be taken to a third party site or widget to order.

Additionally, my merchant wants control over when the app takes orders. For example, orders should not be accepted when the business is closed.

Are there any apps that allow you to build your own web UI, and you can send them the details of the order and then they interact with clover to process and pay for it?

If this isn't possible could you recommend one of the best supported and most popular online order apps? We don't WordPress so it would have to be some external site or something.

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Lee Tickett avatar image
Lee Tickett answered
@wdfinch, I think we might be able to help you out- could you drop us a line and we can give you a bit more information? thanks
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