
mKonnekt avatar image
mKonnekt asked ismdcf commented

Why I am getting 'current order has been deleted' when I place order through clover REST API .

When I place order via clover REST API then it shows in order list in clover android device (genymotion) but when I click on this to check detail then it is giving me a popup says that "current order has been deleted" but actually that order was not deleted .

but When i place order from the clover android device via register app then it shows detail .

So please let me know that Am I doing any thing wrong or do I need to put some extra parameter or setting to see order detail placed through clover REST API ?

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q-factor avatar image
q-factor answered ismdcf commented

I think you might be creating the order in test mode via the REST API (ie with the test mode property true), but your device is not in test mode. You can turn the test mode ON/OFF from the register app.

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johann avatar image johann commented ·

I can't speak for anyone else. My situation was not in test mode. @Miguel had diagnosed it as my emulator not being configured quite correctly. However the problem eventually reappears after rebuilding a new emulator.

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ismdcf avatar image ismdcf commented ·

Nope I am not using the test mode when creating the order and I also tried setting the test mode option on the register app but it still had the issue.

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ivan-garcia avatar image
ivan-garcia answered johann commented

Hello, I have exactly the same problem.

I'm creating the Order via the REST API with the TestMode to false and if I open the order in Genymotion (with TestMode on and TestMode off) and I'm getting the same message: "Error - The current order has been deleted".

But If I check the order in the website application the order is correctly created.

What I'm doing wrong?

10 |2000

Up to 2 attachments (including images) can be used with a maximum of 512.0 KiB each and 1.0 MiB total.

imentos avatar image imentos commented ·

I have the same issue here. Any updates for it?

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ismdcf avatar image ismdcf commented ·

Hi @rachel I'm also facing the same issue with our android application. Can you guide us on a solution for this. I'm testing a production app on genymotion emulator. And also note that it worked as expected on the sandbox environment for both the clover mini devkit and genymotion sandbox environment.

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ismdcf avatar image ismdcf ismdcf commented ·

Did an emulator restart the other day and it works as expected

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johann avatar image johann commented ·

It seems rebuilding the emulator will fix it temporarily. However, at some point the issue creeps up again.

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ismdcf avatar image ismdcf johann commented ·

@johann Did an emulator restart the other day and it works as expected, thanks for the time

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johann avatar image johann ismdcf commented ·

@ismdcf It wasn't a simple restart. I would rebuild my emulator from a clean image. That new emulator would work for a bit. Unfortunately it would eventually have this problem reappear.

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