
Rohit Bhardwaj avatar image
Rohit Bhardwaj asked Bryanne Vega answered

Fatal error: Class 'phpseclib\Crypt\Common\AsymmetricKey' not found


After making a payment using the /V2/ developer's API i'm facing the below fatal error,

Fatal error: Class 'phpseclib\Crypt\Common\AsymmetricKey' not found in /public_html/phpseclib/Crypt/RSA.php on line 64.
The other errors are :

Cannot modify header information - headers already sent by (output started at /public_html/system/core/Exceptions.php:271)

Class 'phpseclib\Crypt\Common\AsymmetricKey' not found 
I have the AsymmetricKey class file already at the above mentioned location. I'm using the phpseclib-master version for this. I checked other threads for the solutions and found this thread and this thread as well. Both the threads have good solution but still I'm getting the above error.

I'm really stuck at this point and need to finish this ASAP. Please advice.

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1 Answer

Bryanne Vega avatar image
Bryanne Vega answered
This sounds like a Development issue rather than a Clover Service/API/Device issue itself.

I would recommend using another forum, as the support might be very limited or non-existent for "asap" situations.
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