
spndn07 avatar image
spndn07 asked bradpalms answered

Should we be PCI compliant to integrate with Clover POS?

We are web app that takes payment through Stripe currently. We are interested in integrating with Clover though. Also, is there any way on Clover's POS that can let our app know that an order is ready to be fulfilled? Thanks!
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1 Answer

bradpalms avatar image
bradpalms answered
It really depends on the level of integration that you go to with Clover.

Clover Semi-integration is a PCI Compliant payments solution & you can keep your software out of scope for PCI-DSS or PA-DSS compliance. By semi-integrating, you can push a payment amount to Mini or Flex device and the transaction happens in Clover's secure infrastructure; an approved/declined message is sent back but no card details ever touch your software.

If you mean to have an App on the Clover platform that Merchants access via the Clover App market, that is not semi-integration. If so, you may want to tag your question for the 'App Market Developer Platform'.

See: for more info.
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