
timkelly248 avatar image
timkelly248 asked timkelly248 answered

can you create an order with a different inventory file structure?

I'm not real thrilled with the restrictions placed on the Register App (orders) that happen because of the way the inventory file is structured. Is it possible to use a different structure to the inventory file? It doesn't work well with pizzas for example.
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Lee Tickett avatar image
Lee Tickett answered timkelly248 commented
You can't change the structure on an order, but there is no reason why you can't replace the register & inventory with your own app (we have done this for many of our apps). This would allow you to have any combination/hierarchy/structure.
Shout if you have any questions.
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timkelly248 avatar image timkelly248 commented ·

Are you replacing the Orders app also, or condensing items so they fit within the other structure? Seems to me the whole system is built around the Orders App: Register: Inventory, Payment.

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timkelly248 avatar image
timkelly248 answered
Sorry, not a Merchant question, although I am a Merchant as well. The options with the Inventory app are lacking to easily and gracefully support pizza restaurants. I figured I may as well brush off some old programming skills to alleviate the situation I have.
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