
ntlygens avatar image
ntlygens asked zgreathouse Deactivated commented

Web Pay Declined Today, Worked fine yesterday. No changes. No failure message. Please help.

I was able to post cc payemts to sandbox environment with success. saved code and came back to work on different module. Tested the process again before start and Now is showing Declined Payment with no Failure message
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ntlygens avatar image ntlygens commented ·

It has now miraculously working again. Is this a common inconsistency? Is there a reason for this intermittent failure? Can I expect this in Production, Would clients be intermittently given false positives?

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zgreathouse avatar image zgreathouse ntlygens commented ·

Please review our Asking and Answering Questions Guide. We need more context to provide sufficient support for this issue.

What does your request body look like? Could you please provide sample code from your implementation of the API? How are you tokenizing the card? Are you using one of our sample card numbers used for testing your implementation? Are you working off an example? Are you able to reproduce this error and, if so, could you please provide us with reproduction steps?

This is not the expected behavior, there should be no intermittent false positives. Here you can find some working implementations of the Developer Pay API:

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