
kamlakar avatar image
kamlakar asked Mark Mullan Deactivated commented

How to setup sandbox environment for clover-EU on non clover device?

Setup clover Eu sandbox on non clover device

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brokenoval avatar image
brokenoval answered Mark Mullan Deactivated commented

You can start building apps using the Android Studio emulator - check out this project on Github to get all the necessary files:

And you can install Clover's base suite of apps (APKs) for the Sandbox environment directly from this link:

You will of course have to allow installation of APKs directly by adjusting your developer settings on your Android device

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yogesh-srivastava avatar image yogesh-srivastava commented ·

How to setup development env on non-clover device for Clover-EU.

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brokenoval avatar image brokenoval commented ·

There are 3 separate Clover environments - US, EU and Sandbox. So there actually isn't an "EU Sandbox" environment to set up. Installing the individual APKs in my links above will get a non-clover device set up on Sandbox.

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kamlakar avatar image kamlakar commented ·

I am not able to setup Clover-EU on non clover device also.

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Bejoy Nair avatar image
Bejoy Nair answered

Refer this question and follow the steps:-

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