There may be a mistake in the docs. Can you please provide a link to the doc you found which suggest the time is converted automatically?
It was here that I saw it. While it did talk about the web dashboard specifically, I guess it confused me into thinking the api was trying to get fancy as well. The docs aren't particuraly clear in regards to the timestamps/timezone/etc.
Thank you for your feedback. We'll try to make this more clear in the documentation.
{ "id": "*************", "order": { "id": "*************" }, "device": { "id": "********-****-****-****-************" }, "tender": { "href": "*************/tenders/*************", "id": "*************" }, "amount": 2832, "taxAmount": 234, "cashbackAmount": 0, "employee": { "id": "*************" }, "createdTime": 1547071649000, "clientCreatedTime": 1547071649000, "modifiedTime": 1547071651000, "offline": false, "result": "SUCCESS"
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