Can you provide the http response code that comes with the error? Any additional details about the error would be helpful as well. That way we can see if it is indeed a 429 Too Many Requests response code, which would indicate rate limiting.
in PHP Curl returns the curl_error($ch) as simply "Could not resolve host:"
no other information is received from cURL.
I don't receive any response from Clover.
Can you try using curl_getinfo:
$httpCode = curl_getinfo($ch, CURLINFO_HTTP_CODE);
to get the http response code?
I can still send a GET call from my location and receive the requested information. Just not from my remote host.
The same thing happened a few days ago and it resolved itself within a few hours. I figure it'll again resolve itself, but it's getting frustrating.
I just tried that "fix" from stack overflow.
After further investigation, I'm getting a code 6 returned, not just 404.
I have implemented a custom logger that will log the url queued and then the curl error. And for some reason, it's becoming very intermittent. Not just once in a few hours. You can view the live log here
Understood. Seems to be a DNS issue on your server, I would try adding Google's DNS server as the second fix, since you've already disabled IPv6, see here.
I don't have root access on this particular server since it's a shared server. Thanks, will look for other workaround. Cheers.
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