
msargent avatar image
msargent asked msargent answered

REST API - How to retrieve owner or merchant phone number?


How can I get an owner or merchant phone number from the /v3/merchants/ endpoint?

When using this endpoint:
GET /v3/merchants/{mId}?expand=owner

I'm able to get Owner Name and Owner Email. In PHP after I receive the data and decode the JSON I store it in $merchant_data. Then I access it like this:

I've tried just accessing the top level phoneNumber but that comes up empty:

I've also tried getting address { phoneNumber } like so:
GET /v3/merchants/{mId}?expand=owner.address

This also comes up empty.

When looking at the sandbox Clover Dashboard it looks like what I need is under my test merchant > Setup > Business Information > Phone Number but I don't know how to access it.
REST APIMerchant
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1 Answer

msargent avatar image
msargent answered
Oops, changing this:
GET /v3/merchants/{mId}?expand=owner.address
To this:
GET /v3/merchants/{mId}?expand=owner,address
solved my problem.

Thanks for pointing me back to the docs. I mistakingly used the delimiter for multiple levels of field expansion (.) instead of just multiple fields (,)
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