
saad-bin-iqbal avatar image
saad-bin-iqbal asked saad-bin-iqbal commented

How to make payment witout using/opening Clover Payment app ?

When we do payment or refund then Clover Payment app is opened.
If is there any way to pay or refund the LineItem directly without opening the Clover Payment app?
Please consider attached image. This screen I don't want to open for making payment and to refund LineItem.

Clover Android SDK
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Up to 2 attachments (including images) can be used with a maximum of 512.0 KiB each and 1.0 MiB total.

saad-bin-iqbal avatar image saad-bin-iqbal commented ·

@Chanel , Can you please answer this question?

Can we do manual refund and payment without opening the Clover payment screen?

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