
aqman avatar image
aqman asked zgreathouse Deactivated commented

Why tender "External Payment" is disabled for some stores

Hi Guys,

I have a question on the data received through the API.
When we synchronizing orders, we call method that returns a list of tenders:<token>
The response has an element:
"label":"External Payment",
Previously, the "External Payment" tender was enabled and invisible to everyone, but since recently we have received clients with:
Why do you need this tender if it can't be applied to an order? We use this tender when creating an order and some merchants have problems.
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zgreathouse avatar image zgreathouse commented ·

"We use this tender when creating an order and some merchants have problems."
Can you explain the problems Merchants are having?

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1 Answer

zgreathouse avatar image
zgreathouse Deactivated answered
The tender does not belong to the order, so you cannot create an order with a specific tender. The tender is found on the payment object.

Creating a payment record on an order is the only time you can set a specific tender on a payment manually.

The External Payment tender can be applied to a payment record when you are trying to be explicit for your record keeping that the payment tender used didn't fall under any of the provided tenders or any custom tenders you may have.
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