
biteheist avatar image
biteheist asked biteheist commented

Order ID Sync - Open Orders

@Jeffrey Blattman We just got an app denied because the reviewer said we were not allowed to show OPEN orders in the orders app prior to the customer confirming payment. This is an online ordering app where clients add items to a cart (where we use clover sdk to maintain the cart items) and then checkout when ready. We push the order ID to the terminal once they add at least 1 item and show it as open.

Is this not how you suggest doing it? If this is the wrong way, can you suggest a different method? Should we never start an order and sync it with the terminal until payment is confirmed?
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10 |2000

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biteheist avatar image biteheist commented ·

@Chanel here is the question

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1 Answer

chanel avatar image
chanel Deactivated answered biteheist commented
After speaking with the reviewer, it's not the simple fact that there's an "open" Order without a Payment. It's an "open" Order with no context that is the issue. We strive to ensure there is a good merchant experience and simply want to make sure there's as little confusion as possible.

A merchant will see the "open" Order and will be unsure if the Order is finished (the customer is done adding things to the order and just needs to pay) or if the Order is abandoned and the customer has no intention of coming back.

One example is in the case of a Pizza Place (very original, I know, just go with it). Pizza Place allows Delivery and Pick Up for Orders that are placed through any developer's web app (keeping in mind that a merchant has the right to have multiple online ordering apps on their account; all apps have access to the same merchant data).

Some places require payment immediately when the order is placed online, regardless of if it's Delivery or Pick Up. Others only require payment at the customer's door or when the customer arrives for pick up. However, many cases have both options. Pizza Place is one of these cases. This means that the Owner, the Chef, the Cashier and Delivery Driver is expecting specific information when they look at their list of Orders. The Owner only cares that "closed/paid" Orders matches with the incoming cash at the end of the day. The Delivery Driver and Cashier need to know who to get payment from; if an Order is "open" and not "closed/paid", then they'll have to assume that the Order still needs to be paid for. The Chef doesn't care if an Order is "open" or "closed". However, if they see a new Order, they know that it needs to be created.

In your case, if at any point there are "open" Orders, does that mean the customer is doing a Pick Up Order? Is the Order going to be Delivered instead and paid for later? In addition, an "open" Order can still be modified. Is the customer finished creating their order? Or have they changed their mind and simply wandered off to go get a burger instead?

These questions (and more) all need to be considered when building an app for merchants.
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10 |2000

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biteheist avatar image biteheist commented ·
Understood. I will rewrite the app.
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