
agentfriday avatar image
agentfriday asked gerdadurganfff sent

How to get access to the production ecommerce API

So many questions...

I was able to get an authorization using the e-commerce sandbox url, and capture it. We have boarded a merchant with a real clover merchant account, but so far cannot get the production API to work. What exactly must we do to get access to the production API for ecommerce?

I can get a card token from my iFrames page using the merchant's clover ID and public key, but then when we attempt a POST call to, the response I get is a HTTP result code 204, which is "success with no payload"... I would expect either a 200 with the documented response, or some 4xx telling me I'm not authorized.

The documentation is far from clear on this. There is mention of creating an app and getting it approved, but this is for an e-commence website that will not be downloaded in the Clover environment. As far as I can tell, the ecommerce API calls do not even accept an app ID of any sort, so I'm not sure that getting an app approved serves any valid purpose.

Also, there is mention in the docs of getting our developer account verified. However, the ecommerce API doesn't have any place to specify a developer account ID, so I'm not sure how this matters either.

The API documentation for "create a charge" makes it look like the authorization header should have some bearer token generated using oath... But everything I've read about OAuth2 is geared toward having the merchant log in, and this just makes no sense for a site that is selling to a random consumer.

So, what is really needed, once a merchant has been boarded, to be able to accept payments to their account with the ecommerce API?

e-commerce apiecommerceProduction
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