
mjc102 avatar image
mjc102 asked mjc102 answered

Single merchant getting a different payment response with a "token issue" error.

We are expecting to receive a vaulted card in the response that occurs after completing a payment with Secure Pay Activity. One single merchant is not receiving that field when they attempt to process the payment. Any idea why a merchant would not be getting the vaulted card back? They have Multipay activated and a non-"0001" tokenType.
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Raymond Lee avatar image
Raymond Lee Deactivated answered
If the merchant has Multipay activated (which is by default for newer merchants), they should be getting the vaultedCard token from the Payment object returned from the Secure Pay Activity result in your onActivityResult():
Payment cloverPayment = data.getParcelableExtra(Intents.EXTRA_PAYMENT);
if (cloverPayment != null && cloverPayment.getResult() == Result.SUCCESS) {
	cloverPayment.getCardTransaction().getToken(); // Vaulted Card token.

Note that this is only from using the Secure Pay Activity. Clover Station 1 does not have Secure Pay due to the lack of a dedicated secure processor for payments. As a result of this, you will have to use Intents.ACTION_CLOVER_PAY when starting a payment on Clover Station, which will not return vaultedCard tokens.

So I would check that you are not accidentally trying to retrieve the vaultedCard token from the result of a Clover Pay activity, which will not containa Payment object.
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mjc102 avatar image
mjc102 answered
Hi there – this issue has come back, this time for a merchant using the Station 2018. We had one payment go through, with the vaultedCard being returned properly. This was followed by three instances where the vaultedCard object was not present in the response. Is there an outage on this feature?
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