I want to build a private app. The client created a Global Developer account and invited me as an admin to both the developer account and the test merchant using the same email.
I received an email about joining Clover's Developer Platform. I clicked the button and joined. It looks fine, but I can't see App Secrets, only App IDs (but that's not the main problem).
Then, I need to login to the test merchant, and I just can't do that. I tried to login at both https://sandbox.dev.clover.com/login and https://www.clover.com/login . Tried using the same credentials as in global developer - it returns 500. Tried to click Access your account - getting 500 after sending my email.
To be clear, the app displays "500 Internal Server Error" in the access account, "Oops! We made a mistake. Please try again later." in login on both environments. The same is in Network requests, so no details.
Also now started getting "Please reset your password." with {details: "EXCEEDED_ATTEMPTS"} in clover.com login
Can you help me fix this? I would love to login to both dev and prod for merchants and global developer portals