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[[Dial 866-703-0747]] To Fix QuickBooks Error Code PS038

Error Code PS038 occurs in QuickBooks when a payroll paycheck is stuck as "Online to Send," meaning the payroll data hasn't been successfully sent to Intuit’s servers. This error commonly appears during payroll processing or updates.


  1. An incomplete or pending payroll transmission.
  2. Corrupted paycheck data in the system.
  3. Issues with QuickBooks’ payroll subscription validation.


  1. Verify that your QuickBooks Desktop is updated to the latest version.
  2. Locate the stuck paychecks by running a Payroll Data Verification report.
  3. Clear the "Online to Send" status by re-verifying payroll data or contacting QuickBooks Support.
  4. If unresolved, use the Verify and Rebuild Data Tool to fix file integrity issues.
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