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nawodi2693 asked

Get Help Fast at 866.703.0747||QBCFMonitorService Not Running in QuickBooks?

If you're seeing the "QBCFMonitorService Not Running" error in QuickBooks, it indicates that the QuickBooks Database Server Manager’s file-sharing service is not working properly. This service is crucial for syncing your company files across multiple computers, especially in a multi-user setup. Without it, users may face issues accessing or sharing files.

To fix this issue, you can try several troubleshooting steps:

  1. Manually Start the QBCFMonitorService: Open Task Manager (Ctrl + Shift + Esc), go to the Services tab, find QBCFMonitorService, and right-click to start it.

  2. Restart QuickBooks Database Server Manager: Open the QuickBooks Database Server Manager, stop the service, and then start it again.

  3. Check for QuickBooks Updates: Ensure your software is up-to-date by checking for available updates within the QuickBooks application.

  4. Reinstall QuickBooks: If none of the above steps work, consider reinstalling QuickBooks to ensure the service is correctly configured.

If you're still having trouble or need immediate assistance, call QuickBooks Enterprise support at 866.703.0747. Their expert team can guide you through advanced troubleshooting and help resolve the issue quickly.

Conclusion: The "QBCFMonitorService Not Running" issue is common but fixable. For quick solutions, contact QuickBooks support at 866.703.0747.

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