
vishalwesupply20 avatar image
vishalwesupply20 asked vishalwesupply20 edited

Getting blank(NULL) response on hostedcheckout's success url


Here is the Video link :

Below is the payload :

// Define the payload

$payload = [

"customer" => [

"email" => "",

"firstName" => "Example",

"lastName" => "Customer",

"phoneNumber" => "555-555-0002"


"currency"=> "USD",

"shoppingCart" => [

"lineItems" => [


"name" => "Apple",

"unitQty" => 3, // Quantity

"price" => $this->convertToCloverPrice(2),



"name" => "Agua de Sandía",

"unitQty" => 1,

"price" => $this->convertToCloverPrice(4) // Price in cents ($4.99)



"name" => "Tax",

"unitQty" => 1,

"price" => $this->convertToCloverPrice(17),



"name" => "Shipping Charge",

"unitQty" => 1,

"price" => $this->convertToCloverPrice(3),




"redirectUrl" => "", // Ensure this is correct

"cancelUrl" => ""


$response = Http::withHeaders([

'X-Clover-Merchant-Id' => $merchantId,

'Authorization' => "Bearer {$accessToken}",

'Content-Type' => 'application/json',

])->post('', $payload);

1735026740925.png (33.6 KiB)
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