
sales-1 avatar image
sales-1 asked sales-1 commented

Developer Account Stuck in Verifying Stage

Please advise how to get past verifying stage. My website designer is telling me until this process is complete Clover will continue to process invalid cards as if they are valid. We cannot move from First Data to Clover while it is processing invalid cards. Please advise.

Developer ID C9DXKPS4HSM7J.

clover developer communitydeveloper platfom
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parquet76 avatar image parquet76 commented ·

What are you trying to do? If you just want to take payments on your website via Clover iframe you don't need an app or developer account (just use the tokens in your merchant dashboard). App approval takes months, if you are lucky.

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sales-1 avatar image sales-1 parquet76 commented ·

Currently, when switching from First Data to Clover, Clover is processing invalid cards through the website. As in you can enter any card numbers and it will place an order like it was valid. The company hosting and maintaining my site says it's because the developer account isn't verified. Doesn't sound right to me, but that's where I am. Any thoughts on why it would be processing invalid cards?

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