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Guidance on deploying iframe based integration

Hello, I was hoping to get some guidance on deploying our application.

It is using the iframe method to charge our own clients from our site.

Is there a checklist or definitive guide to deploying the application? I've read through the docs several times and I haven't made any progress in determining our path forward from here. It seems like they bleed in together at points.

- Do we still create an application for approval despite that we are using the Hosted iFrame + API/SDK integration?

- When using the iframe method, do we need to retrieve a new PAKMS key each time that we initialize the form that hosts the iframe? Right now in the sandbox and our dev branch for this, the PAKMS token is hard coded in the page.

There are 3 main clover sites that I am aware of:




The only site that offers the ability to setup public/private tokens is the sandbox. Once our application using iframe is approved, will the UI be updated show elements for generating public and private keys in production like we can with the sandbox environment?

The development portion of the docs were pretty straight forward, but I am having some difficulty understanding the process for getting our code out into the production so that we can started charging clients using Clover.


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parquet76 avatar image
parquet76 answered developers commented

If your app is for a single merchant just use the tokens available in the merchant dashboard and be done with it. The pakms is the public key.

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developers avatar image developers commented ·

Thank you for responding.

Maybe that is where I am having some confusion. The docs seemed to suggest that it was that straight forward with iframe/single merchant, but then seems to bleed into other integration methods when discussing deployment guidelines.

Where I have some confusion is where do I generate and issue public and private keys for production as I am able to do in the sandbox. There I can navigate to Accounts & Setup and then API Tokens or Ecommerce API Tokens.

However, I don't have those options that I can see in either of these:

Also, it looks like our developer account in has not been fully fleshed out and submitted for verification. Maybe that is why there is no option to generate keys in the developer dashboard?

Thank you,

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developers answered

Resolved. We had not connected our merchant account with our developer account so that was blocking us. Your answer was a sanity check that helped. Cheers.

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