
brandong97 avatar image
brandong97 suggested udaray commented

Variable Priced Modifiers or percentage

Is there currently any option in the app market to do variable or percentage based price modifiers? If not there should be.

Use case: A Restaurant I work with has 300 different types of liquors.

A bourbon can cost $10. To make it as an old fashioned would be $5, so half the cost of the bourbon. Another liquor could be $5 and an old fashioned would be $2.50. So instead of making 300 different modifier groups, just make one modifier group and have it go based off a percentage of the item price.

As it is looking now we are going to have to do 300 different types of modifiers.

App Market
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udaray avatar image
udaray commented

Oh it’s a nice update! Thank you for sharing! percetakan rawamangun

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