
matt avatar image
matt suggested kevinramos commented

Get feedback from merchants who uninstall an app

The title says it all. Sometimes merchants install the app and uninstall a minute later. So it would be highly interesting to know what they were looking for. It could be helpful to add features to the app. Same is true if merchants uninstall after being a customer for a long time. I think a simple questionnaire after the merchant clicked uninstall, with multiple choice for reasons and a text box for comments should do it. Information is then to be displayed in the developer's dashboard.

I think it would be a very simple, but extremely useful feature for us developers. Some other features that were recently introduced (charts for installs etc.) are not so relevant.

App Market
10 |2000

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brianmartinz824 avatar image
brianmartinz824 commented

The corporation intended to provide services that would benefit the business and its employees when it made the decision to distribute the FMC4ME Application.

10 |2000

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marylitten425 avatar image
marylitten425 commented

Restaurants with the Bagelexperience brand participate on the Bagel Talk caller incidence study. The accused will receive a confirmation number upon completion of the online survey, which is exclusive to their clientele.

10 |2000

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kevinramos avatar image
kevinramos commented

After that, as part of our proverbial "thank you for play" habit, you may win a $500 talent sheet to Lowe's. If you choose not to complete the survey, you authorize us to continue to contact you about the Lowe's game of chance by regular mail.

10 |2000

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