
0mg-pos avatar image
0mg-pos suggested tomdanny commented

Clover Station Bluetooth Connectivity

When I receive an online order, I sometimes don't know it because the system doesn't jingle (another suggested fix) and they look close to the other tickets. So, because I was forced to go Bluetooth for a delivery app, I switched all my delivery apps over to my Bluetooth printer with colored paper and Clover doesn't connect to Bluetooth for me to print my Expo tickets there instead. Quite frustrating because it would be nice to be able to streamline my online and delivery orders, so the Expo tickets don't get lost in the shuffle.

OrdersPrintClover Station
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tomdanny avatar image
tomdanny commented

Locksmith services provide unparalleled security solutions for residential and commercial needs. When dealing with advanced technology like Clover Station Bluetooth connectivity, ensuring a seamless setup is essential. Bluetooth functionality enables smooth integration with peripherals, enhancing operational efficiency. If issues arise, checking device compatibility, updating firmware, or re-pairing devices can help. A trusted locksmith understands the significance of secure systems, ensuring both physical and digital aspects of your setup function flawlessly.

10 |2000

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