
lfdigiorgio avatar image
lfdigiorgio suggested diana commented

Convenience Fees Based on Total order and Tender type

I need a fee to be charged on the total order including tax for particular tender types. Using additional. Using Setup > Additional Charges, I put in .03. First there apparently isn't a way to charge this automatically if a particular tender type is selected. That is problem number one. Second the charge is only on the non-tax portion of the order and third, the calculation doesn't round the result, it truncates it so .099 becomes .09 not .10.
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brecova avatar image
brecova commented brecova edited

When a customer uses an electronic payment card to make a purchase rather than cash, a check fnaf security breach or an ACH transfer, a convenience fee is levied.

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diana avatar image
diana commented

Players in this jungle-themed game must either tag others or avoid being tagged themselves. The unique movement system in gorilla tag requires players to use their arms to navigate, adding a physically engaging twist to the classic tag game.

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