
jpwelch850 avatar image
jpwelch850 suggested johano edited

Shifts tips are not reported on excel sheet

Why in the world don’t the tips transfer when you download the shifts to do payroll. The hours transfer but not the tips. U have to open each time card for each employee for the whole week and add up the tips. Makes no sense.

station pro
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David Marginian avatar image
David Marginian commented

Can you provide more details about this so I can pass them along? What are the steps you are taking, where is the data downloaded from (dashboard I assume)?

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jpwelch850 avatar image
jpwelch850 commented

Yes downloaded from the dashboard. When you pick a date range to view. Individual time cards appear that have hours worked, tips claimed and other sales data pertaining to the employee. When you download the date range only their hours are pulled into the excel spreadsheet. Need aggregate tips claimed along with hours to do payroll

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David Marginian avatar image David Marginian ♦♦ commented ·

I have reproduced the issue as described and created an internal issue to track it.

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rexskiles avatar image
rexskiles commented rexskiles edited

Thanks for providing such a helpful guide. Please geometry dash meltdown elaborate further.

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johano avatar image
johano commented johano edited

Yes I agree it makes no sense you have to open each time card for each dentist employee

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