
nls02 avatar image
nls02 asked rachel Deactivated commented

I have FD40 Device, Where i can it Sampel SDK

Hello sir,

i have FD40 Device, i need know how this device work and also i need to integrate that to application. so can you please guid me where i can get it SDK (C#)
Remote Pay Windows
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1 Answer

nls02 avatar image
nls02 answered rachel Deactivated commented
Hello Thanks for gives quick replay.

i have seen one video about FD-40 device integration, i need to installation a app pin pad app and also i need to plug in FD-40 device on clover station. Vimeo video link is give below.

Link :

so my question is here
1) can we do direct payment trough FD-40 without plug in to clover stations?
2) if we can direct do payment then how i can do it, can you please provide me sample SDK.
3) i have Remote Pay Windows. is that same sdk for FD-40? i have plug in FD40 and run sample SDK but it say not connected

Please advice me how i can deal with FD-40 Device. i need to do that as soon as possible
Thank you

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