
shortkut-dev avatar image
shortkut-dev asked Miguel Deactivated edited


We have an app submited for approval and making changes to it to proceed with approval process. however, the new version of the app fails to install after I download the old version from clover and try to install the new version


Our Certs haven't changed. What could be wrong?

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Mike M avatar image
Mike M answered Brock Allen edited

It is possible that the old one is signed with your production key and the new one is signed with your debug key. On top of that, all Clover apps have gone through multiple signing stages which could also cause the certificates to mismatch, once on upload and again before publishing.

Regardless, simply uninstall the old version and then install the new version as a separate command.

  • adb uninstall
  • adb install
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Brock Allen avatar image Brock Allen commented ·

@Mike M That fixes the inconsistent certificate error, but now I get a permissions error: "com.clover.sdk.v1.ForbiddenException: status code: 403 App doesn't have required permission: package ... does not have permission INVENTORY_R"

The app works fine if I install it from the app market, but as soon as I install a debug version it throws permissions errors immediately. Any ideas?

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benv avatar image
benv answered
Sandbox sideloading is known to be broken:

1: adb install (or install from android studio)
2: install from app store
3: sideload as usual
10 |2000

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Lee Tickett avatar image
Lee Tickett answered Dan commented
,Hitting this same stumbling block and can't get the uninstall/reinstall thing to work and retain the permissions. Any suggestions?
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10 |2000

Up to 2 attachments (including images) can be used with a maximum of 512.0 KiB each and 1.0 MiB total.

Dan avatar image Dan ♦ commented ·

Are you uninstalling from the app market, or using adb uninstall com.example.mypackage?

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