
crod93 avatar image
crod93 asked evaelfie answered

How do I revert to a previous version of APK?

We have updated a test APK in sandbox 2.x.x, and this version download to a few dev devices. I withdrawal the app from the sandbox dashboard and submitted the previous version of 1.x.x, however, 2.x.x keeps getting downloaded on the device instead of 1.x.x even though it has a status of "Submitted". Please advise, thanks.

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Richelle Herrli avatar image
Richelle Herrli answered Richelle Herrli commented

There is no way to roll back to a previous SDK. You will need to re-upload the older version of the APK and make this the default APK for your app.

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crod93 avatar image crod93 commented ·

I am in sandbox, and tried uploading the same APK under an update 1.x.x version number. However, I get an error "you must increment your APK's versionCode every time you upload. If you are testing and want to get around this, please side-load your app.". Does that imply that I must increment from 2.x.x?

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Richelle Herrli avatar image Richelle Herrli ♦♦ crod93 commented ·

You can either change the version number to be higher than 2.x.x or you can sideload the older APK. Both are valid options.

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jonahwills avatar image
jonahwills answered jonahwills edited

We have updated a test APK in sandbox 2.x.x, which has been downloaded to a few dev devices. After withdrawing the app from the sandbox dashboard and submitting the previous version 1.x.x, version 2.x.x continues to be downloaded on the devices instead of 1.x.x. Please ensure the sandbox environment has had adequate refresh time to update and reflect the correct version status.

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margarett avatar image
margarett answered

no way to roll back to a previous SDK

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evaelfie avatar image
evaelfie answered

Clear the app cache or uninstall the current version (2.x.x) from the affected devices. Then attempt to download the app again.

Verify the sandbox dashboard to ensure that version 1.x.x is correctly marked as the active version.

Allow some time for the sandbox to sync and propagate the changes of nol card balance check, as updates may not take effect immediately.

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