
e2al avatar image
e2al asked sam Deactivated answered

Don't understand oauth response

I am just trying to experiment with the API via Postman. Also, I am new to OAuth.
As I understand it, I need to issue a
Which will respond with an authorization code.
I can then use that code to make the call:{codeUrlParam}
which returns a token I can use for calls like:

But the response to the authorize call is a 50 line hmtl page, in which I cannot find anything that appears to be the code I need.

What am I misunderstanding or doing wrong?
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1 Answer

sam avatar image
sam Deactivated answered
You won't be able to go through the OAuth process using Postman as it's a client and not a real browser. You'll need to be able to sign in to your Clover account and redirect.

Here's a quick video overview of how to do OAuth using webapp:

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