
bdierckens avatar image
bdierckens asked sydneyy answered

Why does Flat Fee in Set Up change to Percentage in Inventory?

In Setup/Taxes&Fees you can add your taxes but also a flat fee. However when it comes to creating an item and looking to add a tax, the flat fee option is no longer a flat fee but a percentage - this has to be a bug - can it be fixed??

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bryanvargas avatar image
bryanvargas answered

What environment are you in, I tested this and I do not see an error. Are your taxes saved?

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sydneyy avatar image
sydneyy answered sydneyy edited

In a turnkey project, a flat fee for setup often shifts to a percentage in the inventory phase to align costs with project scale and complexity. During setup, a fixed fee covers initial planning, basic implementation, and initial resources. However, as the project progresses, inventory needs and management efforts can vary significantly, making a percentage-based fee structure more suitable to ensure costs stay proportional to the volume and value of inventory managed. This approach provides flexibility and fairness as inventory requirements evolve.

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