
wsdzy2010 avatar image
wsdzy2010 asked cooper6quirino answered

Delay to show the order on POS


After creating the order: 32AZSWNQ5RM76 around 2023-10-19T16:43:15.597Z, the merchant reported that it will take 3-5 minutes to show up on the Clover POS. But if the merchant hits the refresh button on the POS, then it will appear quickly.

Can you help to check it please, The merchant id is M46WQAAYMK141.

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bryanvargas avatar image bryanvargas ♦♦ commented ·
Has the merchant contacted Clover Support for basic network troubleshooting? I checked the logs and see everything was 200 and all webhooks were sent
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wegesav265 answered

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cooper6quirino avatar image
cooper6quirino answered

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