Order id: GQ015PA136592
merchant id: S8Y2EPTV23VJ1
payment id: PTK4TAPCQ69K0
We're using a hosted checkout, and in sandbox, following the process to pay for an order. This triggers a call to a webhook and we can see that the order is paid and I also get an email receipt.
webhook {
type: 'PAYMENT',
id: 'D60XRAXB406Q6',
merchantId: 'S8Y2EPTV23VJ1',
created: 1722600059.185,
status: 'APPROVED',
message: 'Approved for 185',
checkoutSessionId: '1cd17098-99b0-439f-9391-49f1d299c0f8'
Looking at the order data, it's paymentState is still open... I would expect it to be paid.
Things i've tried:
I tried to create a payment record providing the tender id but get an error saying I need to specify an external payment. Why would this be the case if I've used clover to process the payment?
Please can someone shed some light on this?