
Al Anjavi avatar image
Al Anjavi asked benjamminlevy Deactivated answered

Our Cleantie Semi integrtion app has been disconnected and auth does not work anymore

Our Cleantie Semi integration app has been disconnected and auth does not work anymore . Please advise how to authenticate.

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marlene495hadley avatar image
marlene495hadley answered marlene495hadley edited


To re-authenticate your Cleantie Semi integration app, try re-entering your credentials, ensure your API keys are valid, and update the app if needed. If these steps don’t work, contact Cleantie support for further assistance.

Best Regards,



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lilly45 avatar image
lilly45 answered lilly45 edited

Our Cleantie Semi integration app has encountered a critical issue, resulting in a disconnection and authentication failures. This disruption has rendered the app inoperable, preventing users from accessing its features or synchronizing data. The issue may stem from expired credentials, changes in authentication protocols, or technical glitches click here within the app or the integration system. To resolve this problem, we recommend checking the authentication settings, updating any expired credentials, and reviewing the app’s connection status. If the issue persists, reaching out to Cleantie support for further assistance and potential troubleshooting steps is advised. Prompt resolution of this issue is essential to restore full functionality and ensure a seamless user experience.

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Al Anjavi avatar image
Al Anjavi answered

Thanks for the reply. The issue was related to the release of V2 OAUTH. We had to rebuild the token and works fine now.

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