
jmalone30 avatar image
jmalone30 asked roseharris answered

Get all items in a single category not returning itemStock object.

The API documentation shows the "Get all items in a single category" Response Object has an itemStock object as well as many other object, but I only see the item coming back. The items are in the response whether I include the items expandable field or not. Can someone tell me if this is the correct behavior and how I can get the itemStock on the items?

REST APIInventory
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David Marginian avatar image
David Marginian Deactivated answered abhay-kumar sent

Looks like an issue with the docs, I will write it up, try: /v3/merchants/{ {mid}}/categories/{ {catId}}/items?expand=itemStock

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roseharris avatar image
roseharris answered

To get the `itemStock` object for items in a category, ensure you're using the correct API parameters. It's like adjusting solar panel angles to capture maximum sunlight efficiently.

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