
scoutzknifez avatar image
scoutzknifez asked patriciacaballero answered

How do you remove a tag (label) from an item

I am looking for an api call that I can use to remove all tags from an item. I have tried feeding it many different inputs to:
1. update the item with this tag: "{\"tags\": [ null ]}"
2. using the tag_items: "{\"elements\":[{ \"item\":{\"id\":\"" + item.getId() + "\"}, \"tag\":null }]}"; and "{\"elements\":[{ \"item\":{\"id\":\"" + item.getId() + "\"}, \"tag\":{null} }]}";

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1 Answer

patriciacaballero avatar image
patriciacaballero answered

Let's check the documentation of the API you're using to find the endpoint responsible for updating or removing tags from an item.
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