
tickettenterprises avatar image
tickettenterprises asked tomdanny answered

App Approval - No Response

Hi, we have contacted on numerous occassions regarding our app being stuck in the approval process with no updates, but recieved no responses. Can someone look into this?

app approvals
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tickettenterprises avatar image
tickettenterprises answered

Does anyone from Clover check this forum?

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maruusa avatar image
maruusa answered

If you've waited a long time and haven't received a response, resend the email and state your issue again. slope

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saqib786 avatar image
saqib786 answered saqib786 edited

I hope this message finds you well. We have been trying to reach out to regarding the approval status of our app without success. Our app seems to be stuck in the approval process with no updates forthcoming. Could you please look into this matter at your earliest convenience and provide us with an update?

For your reference, our website link

Thank you for your attention to this issue. We look forward to your prompt response.

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feastdelights avatar image
feastdelights answered

I hope you are doing well. We've been trying to contact about the approval status of our app, but we haven't heard back. Our app seems to be stuck in the approval process with no updates. Could you please check on this and give us an update as soon as you can.
For your reference, our website link

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jaincy4u avatar image
jaincy4u answered

If you’re waiting for an app approval and haven’t received a response, here are some steps you can take to follow up and address the situation:

Steps to Follow Up on App Approval

  1. Check Status Updates:

    • App Store Console: Log in to the developer console or dashboard of the app store where you submitted your app (e.g., Google Play Console, Apple App Store Connect) to check for any status updates or messages.
    • Email Notifications: Review any emails you’ve received from the app store for updates or requests for additional information.
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tomdanny avatar image
tomdanny answered

Facing no response for app approval can be frustrating. Ensure you’ve followed all submission guidelines and contact the app store's support team for updates. Patience and persistence are key during this process. Promote your brand effectively with tote bags, perfect for giveaways and events. These eco-friendly bags offer great utility while keeping your logo visible, making them an impactful and sustainable marketing tool for your business.

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