
eberber avatar image
eberber asked rick1324qsd answered

Order ticket and line item/modification justification

Order tickets printed are displaying an item that is left justified and item modifications that are right justified. Is there an option to have both line items and modifications on the same side of the order ticket? Picture shows a ticket printed on Square POS and Clover POS for reference. image0.jpeg

image0.jpeg (88.9 KiB)
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bryanvargas avatar image
bryanvargas answered

I don't see a way to change this

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sarausa0106 avatar image
sarausa0106 answered

Instead of left-aligning order details and right-aligning modifications, you can arrange this information logically on the same face of the order form. aa route planner

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wewe avatar image
wewe answered

URL Your blog is a fantastic resource. Keep up the good work!

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rick1324qsd avatar image
rick1324qsd answered

Grateful for the author's contribution to expanding my understanding. Solar Thank you.

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