
alfresco2 avatar image
alfresco2 asked David Marginian Deactivated edited

clover credit card receipts automatically printing

I recently purchased and setup my clover systems and despite deselecting "Automatically print customer receipt after each order" for both debit and credit card transactions a merchant copy of the receipt is printing. Is there any way this can be disabled or is it hard coded into the software.

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David Marginian avatar image David Marginian ♦♦ commented ·


Are you a merchant? We are happy to try to help but this forum's purpose is to help developers that integrate with Clover. Have you contacted Clover support?

What are your tip and signature settings? If either of those are set to on paper I believe a merchant receipt will print. It also may automatically print if you have chosen to print a customer receipt (as you mentioned above). This is not something I frequently test so I will have to verify this behavior next week.

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