
ritiks2 avatar image
ritiks2 asked bryanvargas answered

How we can fetch all void transaction for any specific merchant through api?

Hi Clover Team,

I need to fetch all voided transaction for any specific merchant from API.

Request :{MID}/voided_line_items

Response :

{ "message" : "Account not found" }

How We will provide right Clover Merchant ID but still it show Account not Found why??

Is there any other way to find all voided transaction please respond ?

@Richelle Herrli @Clover_FAQ @natalie.clover @cloverteam

Orderse-commerce api
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1 Answer

bryanvargas avatar image
bryanvargas answered

please verify the MID is accurate, that message is when you provide the wrong MID. The MID should be 13 alphanumeric id.

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