
kevinjones1999 avatar image
kevinjones1999 asked sterlingcamp answered

Custom Loyalty points system

I have a physical store where I am using clover pos and also an ecommerce website where i am using clover payment gateway. both gateway and pos are on different merchant accounts. We are creating a custom loyalty point system where a customer can use those points to get discounts on the website as well as instore pos. So i want to know how can i test on the instore pos to check if the development is working fine? is there a emulator of the in store pos that my developers can use to test there custom development? because what we want is that when the customer comes to out store we can search them on the pos and if they are signed up on our loyalty point system it shows there points on the pos and we can use those points to give them discounts on the price for example if they have 20 points and if 10 points equals to $1, so we can use those points and give them $2 off on there total. We also want that when they purchase something from in store they also gain points. So please let me know how can we test our custom development on the in store pos?

REST APIe-commerce apiOAuth
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1 Answer

sterlingcamp avatar image
sterlingcamp answered sterlingcamp edited

Hello @merge fruit, to test your custom development for the Clover POS and ensure it is working fine, you can utilize the Clover Sandbox environment. The Clover Sandbox is a testing environment provided by Clover where you can simulate transactions and test your custom integrations without affecting your live production environment.

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