
Sukhbir Singh avatar image
Sukhbir Singh asked tshareef answered

Urgent: Need to print discount on receipt in case of Cash payment

Hi @David Marginian, @Greg

I am integrating cash and card payment in my application. I am using payment connector to make sale request for paying by either Credit or Debit card. I am using following code for the cash payment to open cash drawer and to list the payment in clover cash log:

Bundle extras = new Bundle();

extras.putParcelable(ARG_ACCOUNT, account);

CashEvent cashEvent = new CashEvent();



cashEvent.setNote(“Application note”);

extras.putParcelable(ARG_CASH_EVENT, cashEvent);

Bundle response = getContentResolver().call(CashContract.CashEvent.CONTENT_URI, METHOD_ADD_ENTRY, null, extras);

if (response != null && response.getBoolean(ARG_SUCCESS, false)) {

CashDrawer.open2(context, account);


But I am unable to get the transaction id for the cash payment. Please suggest.

Also please suggest a way to print the discount along with the amount of discount on the receipt in case of cash payment. Please suggest.


Clover Android SDKPrintPaymentConnector
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Jacob Abrams avatar image
Jacob Abrams answered Jacob Abrams edited

The code you have posted is for non-payment related cash operations. For example opening the cash drawer and removing some cash for some reason.

If you want to accept all tender types: credit card, gift card, cash, check, etc I suggest using the following Intent to start an activity that will help you handle all those things:

public static final String ACTION_CLOVER_PAY = "com.clover.intent.action.PAY";

See full documentation here:

PaymentConnector seems to offer only card present functionality and doesn't appear to support other tender types.

Regarding discounts your question is not clear, you are giving customers a discount just when taking cash payments?

You may use OrderConnector#addDiscount or OrderConnector#addDiscount2 to add a discount to an order. The discount can be a percentage of the total order.

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tshareef avatar image
tshareef answered

If you need to print a discount on a receipt in case of a cash payment, you can typically achieve this through the point-of-sale (POS) system or software you're using. If your POS system does not automatically include discounts on receipts or if you need assistance with specific settings or customization options, you may need to consult the user manual or contact the provider's customer support download cash app apk for guidance. Additionally, if you're using a customized or proprietary POS system, the process for printing discounts on receipts may vary based on the system's capabilities and configuration.

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