
vlasovacristina avatar image
vlasovacristina asked parquet76 answered

Issues with test cards on production environment

I have the clover plugin in wordpress, all the needed information is set. I activated the production environment, when I test with the given tests cards in this url
the error message I receive is "status_code": 402 and the response message sais:
SERV NOT ALLOWED: Card type cannot be processed on your merchant processing account. Ask for another form of payment. Contact support if you believe this to be incorrect.

I tried most of the test cards but the message is the same, and this is what appears in the console when I inspect the payment page:

    "card": {
        "exp_month": "12",
        "exp_year": "2028",
        "first6": "424242",
        "last4": "4242",
        "brand": "VISA",
        "address_zip": "10001"
    "token": the token

I've seen several questions here but I really can't find the answer to this issue :(

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1 Answer

parquet76 avatar image
parquet76 answered

You can't use test cards in production.

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