
gokulselvan avatar image
gokulselvan asked gokulselvan commented

Google Pay & Apple Pay Integration


I've seen some answers on community like google pay will be available on April end. Any Update on that one ?

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1 Answer

l-thomasson avatar image
l-thomasson answered gokulselvan commented

Hello, I reached out to our e-commerce team and they responded stating that development of GooglePay is completed and in production, however the documentation is still being reviewed at this time.

We no ETA available or updates on ApplePay. Please continue to monitor our Clover Docs as well as community here for any further updates.

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gokulselvan avatar image gokulselvan commented ·

So It means Google pay is live now. right?

If yes how to use them?

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l-thomasson avatar image l-thomasson ♦♦ gokulselvan commented ·
We still do not have an exact answer from our development team regarding this. From my understanding, Google Pay is completed and available in production but how to access it etc. I am not certain at this time
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gokulselvan avatar image gokulselvan l-thomasson ♦♦ commented ·

Okay, Thanks again. Please let me know whenever you know about this and side by side i'll also check.

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