I have not been helped with my app approval and my account has not been reviewed.
I need
Pending developer account status VERIFYING ACCOUNT
Submitted on 03/09/2024 at 9:34 AM
Is there a fee that can be paid to expedite this process??
We have an ecommerce store that sells off the same inventory as our onsite sales. During storm disasters, we rent and sell work tools needed by electrical restoration crews. We sell onsite through a mobile warehouse called the "Storm Trailer" and we sell online through our ecommerce app https://tools.tempeststormrentals.com/ , now in Apple store, and both pull from the same inventory and we ALSO use Clover as the only payment gateway option online payments.
We use 2-way sync on inventory to maintain a single inventory. Sales and orders from the ecommerce app and sales from onsite purchases must be updated frequently to not oversell.
Webhooks used:
- Customers: When customers are created or updated
- Inventory: When inventory items are created, updated, or deleted
- Merchants: When merchant properties are changed
- Orders: When orders are created, updated, deleted
- Payments: When payments are created, updated, or deleted