
jellis avatar image
jellis asked lilly45 answered

Connecting to a mini dev kit for debugging logs

I've got a clover mini dev kit hooked up to a sandbox account with our app installed. It's been crashing for some reasons and I need to figure out why. So I'm trying to connect to it with adb to see what's going on. The problem is I'm not able to connect to it using adb.

C:\>adb connect
cannot connect to No connection could be made because the target machine actively refused it. (10061)

I've confirmed that USB debugging is enabled on the device and my laptop is connected to the same wifi network.

I'm seeing a lot of talk about station dev kits requiring a USB cable being plugged into the device before wifi will work however I'm not seeing any place for me to plug such a cable in. Is there a similar thing for the mini? Where is the port to plug into? What kind of cable is needed?

This dev kit was a hand me down from a team that was doing some development before me so it's possible that I'm missing some cable or something setting was screwed up before now.

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David Marginian avatar image
David Marginian answered markbath edited

How is the device powered? Mine has a hub with USB a slots.

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jellis avatar image jellis commented ·
I've got a hub thing. with 4, USB2 ports. Are those what I'm suppose to use?
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David Marginian avatar image David Marginian ♦♦ jellis commented ·
Yes, but you need to have the correct cable. It is a usb a (your computer) to a usb b (what you will connect to your hub). This would have been delivered with your devkit. You can try using another usb a to b chord but it may not work.
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jellis avatar image jellis David Marginian ♦♦ commented ·
Like I said it's was a hand me down from another team, I don't see the cable but I'll be able to pick up a USB-A <-> USB-B cable up this afternoon. If I have to have the clover specific cable is there an easy way to order a replacement?
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clarkm avatar image
clarkm answered

Debug mode is set to MCU, WSTK power switch is in AEM mini militia mod position (I've also tried BAT position with targets being powered with CR2032 batteries) and both boards do receive power.

If you use WSTK mainboard to debug external thunderboard (or DK2600A), I suppose you should use 'OUT' mode.

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tickettenterprises avatar image
tickettenterprises answered

We connect our dev kit mini to our device using the clover but the exact cable will depend on the mini generation.

But should look something like this:

1714657558339.jpegClover should be able to assist with getting you one of these there link is

1714657558339.jpeg (91.0 KiB)
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lilly45 avatar image
lilly45 answered lilly45 edited

Connecting to a mini development kit for debugging logs typically involves using a serial connection or USB interface. You'll need to install the necessary drivers for the development board and set up a terminal program (like PuTTY or Tera Term) to monitor the Chestnut mushrooms growing output. Once connected, ensure the correct baud rate is set according to the dev kit’s specifications. Logs can then be captured in real-time, providing insights into system behavior, error states, and other debugging information crucial for development and troubleshooting.

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