
sjordan409 avatar image
sjordan409 asked diegoterra answered

Production dev login redirect

Has anyone been able to get out of the production login redirect loop? I signed up earlier today (I've been on the sandbox environment for two months) and despite clearing cache, cookies, etc., I cannot stay logged in. I'm able to successfully log in and briefly see the portal, but then am automatically redirected to the log in screen again. No errors in the network tool.

Any help is appreciated!

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bryanvargas avatar image
bryanvargas answered

Please close out all sessions and maybe try in incognito.

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markstorer avatar image
markstorer answered

Same thing in Incognito. Seems to be after adding 2FA in the Test Merchant.

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diegoterra avatar image
diegoterra answered

Same issue here

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diegoterra avatar image
diegoterra answered

I tried Incognito, and I cant login to Production.

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diegoterra avatar image
diegoterra answered

Any ideas on how can we get this fixed?

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